Welcome to the amazing world of "The N.T.C. Krew & Chemobot - The Origin Story." Not just a regular comic book – it's a journey of empowerment for kids undergoing chemotherapy and teaches them to visualize the effects of their diagnosis and treatment in a non-threatening way, encouraging the reader to have courage and hope!

Although the book creates a world of imagination for a real-life diagnosis, there are also realities to having this book produced. We have submitted our book to multiple publishing houses for review and hope to have a partnership within the year. Not only would we would love to get your information to share our journey and inform you as soon as possible when publication and distribution can begin, we also feel that a list of those interested in receiving copies will improve our chances for publication.

We ask that you please keep in mind when you get your own copy, you're not just getting a fun story; you're helping kids be strong and brave. Let's all say, "Not today, Cancer!" and be heroes together.

- With love, for love, by love -
The N.T.C. Krew

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